I have kind of a strange memory. Not that anyone's memory can ever be perfect. There are just certain points in time and bits and pieces that I can remember clearly to this very day. Yet, if you ask me what I had for lunch last Tuesday, a guess would be as close as the truth. Why do I bring this up now? Well, a few reasons. Mainly it's because I've been home-a lot-lately and it's beginning to take a toll on me. In the beginning it was easy because I had school stuff to do and what not but as that winds down I have more and more time to ---think. And not just the day to day thinking-about-what-i-want-to-make-for-breakfast or the i-have-to-check-facebook-again thinking. It's the deep thinking. The scary thinking that looms in the shadows of my mind amid the anxieties and panic attacks.
One such memory was triggered recently and this is an example of how my memory can be. See if you can keep up with this runaway train of thought:
It is now towards the end of November. It's technically Thanksgiving actually because where I live it is currently 1:27 a.m. Thanksgiving means that it is almost December, which brings Christmas and New Year's Eve. This year we are turning from 2011 into 2012. The year 2012 brings me back to 1998. Yes, way back in the late 1900s. What's so special about 1998? That would be the year I started high school. The year I was taking World History with Mr. Steiger (a name that will remain in my subconscious for a lifetime because of the various rumors maintained about him, one was that basically any girl who wore a skirt while giving a presentation was almost always guaranteed an A). In that World History class we learned about the early peoples including the Mayans. Yes, those crazy ancient peoples of South America that devised some interesting concepts, one being a system of mathematics, and the other the infamous Mayan calendar. I remember learning in that classroom about the end of the Mayan calendar ending in 2012. I remember sitting in that class we all thought about how old we'd be by the time 2012 came around (mind you this was 14 years ago, so 2012 seemed lightyears away). I remember thinking, Hmm I'll be 28 by then. Married with a child or two. Living a pretty good life. And now I sit here and it's almost 2012. I just turned 27 and that means next year is the big 28. Am I married? Nope. Children? not by a longshot. And this brings us to where I am at now.
I know that I won't be single and childless forever (especially not if JP has anything to say about it), but I still can't help feeling that I haven't lived up to my own expectations, and that can be rather unsettling. It's one thing not meeting other's expectations, but when you fall short of your own, you feel infinitely worse. This could be why my relatively stable mental state has recently boarded a rollercoaster and decided to have a little fun with me. I figure the best way to deal with all of this would be to release the thoughts from my mind and instead see them live and in print. What better place than in a blog? So here it is. It may not be eloquent, and it may never spark a best seller or movie of the year. But if it helps me to retain my sanity a bit longer, I'm all for it. Who knows, maybe someone will stumble across this post accidentally and be helped by it. I don't know. All I do know is that I will type it out, and continue to type it out in subsequent blog entries, and then hit post, so that it remains a permanent mark in cyberspace, that can be reviewed and revisited whenever I, or anyone else, so chooses.